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The Worlwide Pandemic has caused a demand for qualified facilitators. Support group  facilitators needed.

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Operating in United States Since 2007
Operating Worldwide by 2021

The Worlwide Pandemic has caused a demand for qualified facilitators. Support group facilitators work in locations throughout the world to support, educate and advocate for survivors of domestic abuse, cancer and co-vid 19 coronavirus. Our Private Webcasted Groups allow members to learn from each other and share in each other’s journey towards healing.

There is some technical knowhow that you must posses in order to be a facilitator with our advanced WebCasted Group System but it is not something we can not train you to attain in a short amount of time.

Send us an Email.

Therapist and non-therapist facilitators lead weekly support groups, multiple times a week. Webcasted Groups are held mornings, afternoons and evenings. These groups enable survivors to share their experiences, feelings and provide them with support to overcome their fears and feelings of isolation. Facilitators will conduct several support groups to help survivors cope with the confusion, anger and fear often experienced after episodes of tramatic events. Applications are welcome from applicants with a Clinical or non-Clinical background. Please follow the email instructions below.

Send eMail to:

For Volunteer Facilitators Please include:
subject: Volunteer Facilitator
Also add which survivor groups you would like to volunteer with. A brief description of why you feel that you would be a great candidate as a volunteer with Soft Echoes for each individual group you would like to volunteer with. A resume may be attached if you choose to.

For Therapist Facilitator Applications Please include:
subject: Therapist Facilitator Application
A brief description of why you are applying for this position. A resume must be attached in order to be considered.